Chicken can't walk


5 Years
Aug 17, 2014
My hen hatched out 10 chicks, after 4 weeks one chick started to limp then one leg was not being used then the other it's been over a week since it quit walking has no other problems seems healthy otherwise eats and drinks fine looks good but does not walk now I have another chick that is starting to have walking issues, wobbles and sits a lot thought it might be markes but it has strength in its legs and no other symptoms both legs usually go straight back
We feed them dumor chick starter grower mainly and some scraps and happy hen treats here and there
Dumor starter comes in a 15%, 20 & 24. The 24% could cause them to gain weight quicker than their muscles can develop. The other two should be ok.

New to Byc hope this picture worked
Someone on the Nor Cal thread just went through something similar and the cause of lameness and paralysis was coccidiosis. I'm not sure why/how coccidiosis can cause this, but that is what the necropsy report found. It's easy enough to treat for, so that's what i would do if I found one of mine unable to walk.

Either of those is possible. But if their primary diet is Dumor, they SHOULD be ok on the vitamins. I would be concerned about possible coccidiosis.

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