Chicken Contest! (Ends Febuary 8th)

It's getting really hard to claim the winner! Nice job so far, so keep it up!
Breed: Brahma
Age: 3-ish months
Gender: Cockerel

Description: (optional) First attempt at introducing lacing in my red splash Brahmas.

Breed- cochin
Age- 5months
gender- cockerel
description- Beast is soft and fluffy and just a big teddy bear

Breed- silver laced polish
Age- 3 months
Gender- pullet
Description- Mohawk is spunky and loves cuddles
Breed: Brahma, splash
Gender: Pullet
Age: Approximately 3 months
Name: Snow White
Description: I've been experimenting with different colors of Brahmas. This little beauty came out of a blue hen and red splash roo.



Breed: Blue Isbar Roo
Name: Gobei (My kids named him)
Age: 28 Weeks
He is a very sweet guy! Sweet to us and his hens. Sometimes he even acts like the ninja he is named after :) We love him to pieces!

Ameraucana Hen
8 months old

My family always calls Tails our "ninja chicken" becasue of her tendency to run everywhere and her infinit flight attempts and impossibility to catch

Breed: Wheatan Ameracuna Bantam
Age: 1 3/4 years old
Gender: Hen
Description: This is Daisy, she is one of my curious chickens. She loves to be right were the action is, and loves to follow me around. She might be part cat sometimes, because she has had a couple close calls with predators!

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