Chicken Coop and Paint


10 Years
Mar 5, 2014
I'm currently building a replacement coop. For the new one, I have all of the wood constructed (new wood, treated 4x4's and both treated/untreated 2x4's), and the next step is the painting. Well today I've done one layer of primer, but I'm not sure how much primer to paint to use.

Should I go with 2 layers of primer and 1 coat of paint? Or 1 layer of primer and 2 coats of paint? Or should I put 2 layers on the treated wood versus the untreated wood? I'm looking simply to maximize the lifespan of the wood, I live near a couple miles from the beach so it doesn't get too hot or cold or too windy or too rainy, but generally paint has a shorter lifespan due to the salt in the air.

I've heard varying responses from different people, mostly concerning the wooden siding on houses. And then when I look into how people build their coops, they never mention the paint!
I'm no expert as I am just starting out but I would think 2 coats of primer would be better that way it will seal the wood then you can put your finish coat on
Thanks for your post.

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