Chicken Coop/Aviary...Worth a thought?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
Well, I breed and raise finches and I just got 10 chickens. My finches live in a cage inside BUT what if I incorporated a coop/aviary? Of course the birds would be protected by many branches and toys for them, and even a top fence guard thing so they could live in the top half and the chickens in the bottom. What do you guys think of this idea? Suggestions?
I am not sure I understand you correctly- you would have 10 chickens inside your house living in the bottom of your finch cage? How big is this area? And would the noise and smell drive you nuts?
I LOVE finches, used to have a pair, and I remember the constant chitter chatter.
Plus I think you would really need to make sure they don't share any space- I suspect the chickens would beat them up.
A friend of ours keeps doves and finches in the same cage. He has chickens, too, but free ranges them. He's kept pigeons and chickens in the same cage before.

I don't see why it wouldn't work, because you're right about the fact that chickens and finches use different layers of space. If you breed the finches, chicks that fall out of the nest onto the ground would be goners, though.

Are your finches living outside already? If not, you'd need to acclimate them properly to outdoor temperatures before moving them, of course.

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