Chicken coop door question


Oct 24, 2023
I am building an 8‘ x 8‘ walk in coop inside my shed. Has anybody ever used a metal storm door covered in hardware cloth for entry into the coop on the inside of the shed? I want the coop predator proof in case an animal gets inside the shed.
I am building an 8‘ x 8‘ walk in coop inside my shed. Has anybody ever used a metal storm door covered in hardware cloth for entry into the coop on the inside of the shed? I want the coop predator proof in case an animal gets inside the shed.
I have an inner door on my converted shed turned coop, not exactly the same thing you're talking about but a storm door with hardware cloth that closes with no gaps anywhere should work just fine too.
coop inner door.JPG
I am building an 8‘ x 8‘ walk in coop inside my shed. Has anybody ever used a metal storm door covered in hardware cloth for entry into the coop on the inside of the shed? I want the coop predator proof in case an animal gets inside the shed.
Here's a picture of the front of our shed, and that's the door to get into the shed. Then once inside, turn right, and there's a regular wood door there to get into the coop. The shed is 12x20' and the coop is 5x12 and is on the right side of it. 157.JPG
The door itself covered in hardware cloth is a good start. Another possible weak area is the latch. If raccoons live near you, be aware that they are very clever, and very able to open doors and latches, depending on the set up.

More than one latch to open the door, as @DLA has, is a good idea. Or, a latch that takes a few steps to open.

This is my latch. It's a small carabiner and two eye hooks.



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