Chicken Coop from Chicken Coop Company - The Silkie

I'm in the same boat as chickendave. I was intent on buying one of these, even against the advice I had read, but once I started scoping materials I've found it much less expensive to build my own. Now that said with only my own imagination as a limitation the size of my coup, and in turn the cost, has ballooned significantly, but it's nice knowing I have the space to double my flock and that everything will be solidly built.
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Loveourchitches -- the owner was very nice and said he was surprised that he didn't think it would work for us but waived the 15% restocking fee he normally charges for returns. After a request he was willing to schedule a pick up for me but I ended up throwing it on Craigs List and sold it to someone who was looking for a coop for 3 chickens. So it all worked out.

I did find a coop that was well built and bigger locally (also on Craigs List) and I'm rehabbing it. :)

Thank you for all the responses!! I so appreciate it!

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