Chicken coughing and wheezing???


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
I noticed today one of my Golden Comet pullets is wheezing and what I believe to be coughing (sort of looks like a sneeze but stronger and she makes a high pitched chortle when she does it). She is a little lethargic but barely, her breathing sounds gurgly and she opens her beak to breathe it seems. She was just sitting in the yard humming and closing her eyes, opening her beak a bit while breathing- I thought maybe she was going to lay an egg until I realized her breathing was gurgly. I separated her from the rest immediately.

There's no discharge and I took a light and looked down her throat but I don't see anything down there either.

Any clues?

She is not completely lethargic, she fought me a bit when I picked her up but now she is sitting with me on the porch swing closing her eyes and doing her gurgly breathing.
Where do I get Tylan and Oxine? And what's the dosage?

She does have rails in the lungs when I put my ear to her chest. I'm assuming an antibiotic is needed, but I only keep Pen G around for the rabbits. Guess that'll change now that I have the chickens too.
most feed stores have tylan (follow dosage instructions listed on package or do a search here on this forum using the search function) MIGHT find oxine there also but more than likely you may have to order online.
you can also get duromycin from any tractor supply and add to there water.This is a antibiotic for chickens and swine. I use it on my chickens when they get to sneezing and coughing.Hope this helps you and I hope your chicken gets better.
Thanks so much- I planned on treating all as a precaution. I do wonder, since my yard stays wet (low-lying land) if that had anything to do with her getting sick. Either way she's the friendliest one, and I'd hate to see her die- so tomorrow I will definitely get her something! Unfortunately hubby is at work with our only working vehicle at the moment, so here's hoping she's fine through the night.

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