Chicken coughing or choking??


Feb 22, 2018
Bay Area, CA
One of my chickens just finished laying and went to go eat some food and all of a sudden started making this loud honky sneezing coughing like sound that lasted for a couple minutes. I’m not sure if she was choking or coughing? After a few minutes she just stopped and drank some water. Otherwise she’s totally healthy. Eating and drinking and pooping fine. She’s laying eggs. Tail is upright with red combs and is otherwise acting normal for her. The reason I’m concerned is I think I may have heard another one of my chickens making a similar sound last week but not as dramatic. I’m thinking of treating the flock with zyfend just in case? Also I want to use some VETRx for dosaging is confusing online. Should I just rub it on them or drop it down their mouths? Thanks for the advice!
Did the noise she made sound like this with some sneezing:
A little... expect the noise wasn’t when she was just breathing. It was more in a barking cough that had that rasp to it. When she would stop and breathe normal she was silent but had her beak open
The sound in the video is called stridor, and that can be from getting a small piece of food or a mucus plug in the airway (trachea,) or having swelling or infection in the airway as you would see with a respiratory infection. If it is a piece of food or mucus, it can clear up within minutes or hours when coughing occurs. You can try your products to see if they help, and let us know. Vet Rx is herbal oils with some camphor fragrance like Vicks, but nothing that would be medicinal. Look for any signs of respiratory infection, such as watery eyes, nasla drainage, or frequent sneezing.
Thank you
The sound in the video is called stridor, and that can be from getting a small piece of food or a mucus plug in the airway (trachea,) or having swelling or infection in the airway as you would see with a respiratory infection. If it is a piece of food or mucus, it can clear up within minutes or hours when coughing occurs. You can try your products to see if they help, and let us know. Vet Rx is herbal oils with some camphor fragrance like Vicks, but nothing that would be medicinal. Look for any signs of respiratory infection, such as watery eyes, nasla drainage, or frequent sneezing.
thank you! I will give my products a try and see how she does

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