Chicken COVERED in mites!!!


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Western Massachusetts
I posted yesterday that I took over a sick chicken from a friend. She is emaciated.

Yesterday after I was massaging her crop I noticed that I could feel something on the back of my neck. It was a mite. I checked her this morning and she is crawling with them! I suspect she is anemic. What can I do? I have heard that the best thing is DZ (?) powder.
You can use several things. The main thing is to get them off of her ASAP! They are literally draining the life out of her. She is going to need a good quality diet and supplements to build her back up. Poor girl!
You can use Sevin Dust also and drops of ivermectin on the back of her neck. I would get them off asap. She may need a bath with a flea and tick shampoo but I would think the Sevin dust would kill them.
I would use Sevin. It is easy to get and relatively safe. Put it in an old sock or stocking and use that as a powder puff. I usually hold my birds by their legs and puff them all over, concentrating on the vent area and under the wings. I would be hesitant to hang her upside down if she is in really bad shape, though. Just turn the feathers up with one hand and pat with the other. You probably want to dust all of your birds and the coop, run, and nest boxes. Good Luck and keep us posted.
My Prince Charming just got a bath in a natural flea shampoo and dusted with DE. He was crawling with mites and I had them on my sweatshirt too. It was disgusting . I have him sitting in the sun drying off and will start vitamins tonight. I will tackle the others tomorrow. Horrible!

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