Chicken Death


Chicken Atlas Farm NPIP 74-4231
5 Years
Dec 5, 2014
Found a dead chicken today. It appeared as if it were trying to pass something out of its vent. However, whatever it was didn't exit. Not being the expert, I buried it. I wonder if got egg bound?
It could have been eggbound or had a prolapsed vent, or both at the same time. A picture of the vent area may have helped. Chickens will also attack one another by pecking at the vent until death occurs if they are overcrowed, are not receiving enough protein in the diet, or there are bored bullies. If a prolapsed vent occurs, chickens will naturally peck at a red swollen vent area.
It could have been eggbound or had a prolapsed vent, or both at the same time. A picture of the vent area may have helped. Chickens will also attack one another by pecking at the vent until death occurs if they are overcrowed, are not receiving enough protein in the diet, or there are bored bullies. If a prolapsed vent occurs, chickens will naturally peck at a red swollen vent area.
The flock gets along well. Though, I have noticed missing vent feathers on a few of the hens. This one didn't have that issue. They are by no means overcrowded. Granted they free range more, but with the constant rain that hasn't been a viable option.

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