Chicken debate need criticism by tonight!


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2016
Some were on this earth.
I wasn't sure if this is the right thread to post this on but I wasn't sure were else to post it so here it is. MY brother and I are going to have a debate on chickens. I'm for he is not. We both made an easy and are going to read it tonight(mine is considerably longer). His complaints are the typical for someone against chickens. Smell ,noise, annoying the neighbors , cost and a couple others like,he doesn't want to take care of them he says the dog can will eat them, they ill attract pest and a couple other stuff. I have been studding chickens for years and he has just started. I want my case to be made out of facts so I would like some impute on my easy. Here are a couple thing in the debate-

1.Smell and messy
My brother thinks chickens are messy smelly creatures that will stink up your yard. I say that chickens will smell as much as we let them smell.AKA if I clean the coop on a regular basis then it should smell as much as my rabbit hutch( which has no smell unless you are in it or it needs to be moved to fresh pasture ,cleaned and so forth. Bottom line is it does not really smell especially enough to be a problem. So chickens won't smell overwhelming if I keep up with cleaning ( and I have no problem doing that)
My brother says that chickens are noise. Well I've been with plenty of chickens and they are not even loud in my opinion,especially compared to all the other noises in our neighborhood. So there for chickens will not be a noise problem.
My brother clams that chickens will bring pest and illnesses. I say once again that they will just like number one bring only as many pest and sicknesses as we let them. If I as stated before keep the chickens clean prevent and clean up spilled food and take good boisacureity levels then pests and illnesses will be no problem. Also I read that most chicken disease don't hurt people and the ones that do you are more likely to get from a big commercial farm. And I heard that most chicken illnesses can be cured at home with a couple books medicine common seance and a thread or two on BYC.
4.The home owners association will not a low chickens
He says that since we live in a suburban neighborhood dirty loud chickens will not be aloud . To be fair in true I have not asked my home owners if chickens are aloud. But here is my argument why they would be aloud. First we already know chickens are not dirty,loud and will cause pests and diseases. Plus are neighborhood is in the unincorporated zoning and the county its in a lows chickens. Not to mention our neighborhood is surrounded by cow pastures full of fences gardens barking dogs and next to rolling hills. If you haven't gotten the picture we live in some what the country. Some other thing is the fact you can hear roasters from out side of the neighborhood and there are plenty of chicken coops around the place.
5.They will be expensive.
He complains that chickens will cost a fortune. This one is a hard one since it all depends on what happens. But my main argument is that there are many ways to cut down the cost of keeping chickens and although they may not pay of there keep, even an anti chicken site said that they cost less than an average pet.
6.Not enough eggs
MY brother says that these chickens will not lay enough eggs to stop us from buying store bought eggs. This is true but that is only be cause my dad said we are only getting 4-8 most likely 6 chickens. We can eat at least 15 egg on some days(we have 8 people in our family)My dad said it him self that if we get chickens they are for educational,fun and a hobby. So no bro they will not lay enough egg and yes one day they will stop laying eggs but that's not what our dad said like early stated there for a fun hobby that me my mom and sister have always wonted to do.
7. No one know how to take care of chickens in this house hold.
My bro complains that none of us are farmer and that we don't know how to take care of any sort of animal like chickens. Ummmm I think he needs to refresh his memory a bight. My older sister( the one who wants to get chickens with me) has taken care of chickens. Plus when I got my rabbit I didn't know the fist thing about taking care of rabbits. But I read a fuw books looked some stuff up asked a couple questions and now I have a friendly healthy social bunny who is 5 years old and is lively as he was 3,4 maybe even 5 years a go. What about a sick chicken isn't that a lot different? Well me and my older sister cared for three ducks one winter that had there wings clipped but they were still rather wild. he ice hole was in front of our house and every day She and my self went out to break the ice so it did not freeze over. One of the ducks had frost bite. Me and my sister hand feed this duck and cared for him every day snow and cold wind and rain after winter he was health and well again thanks to our help the only book we had to help him was a chicken book. So as you can see even with out books and the internet my sister and I can cure a duck(now that is a chicken but it is pretty darn close and that is not the only animal e have saved)
8. the chickens will be live a horrible life
He said that these chickens will be sad living in a chicken tractor their hole life. Ummmmm if chicken don't like chicken tractors then why do so many people use them? Plus they will come out of their chickens tractor several times for several hours a day.
This is not his or my easy but it is a summery of the two. Please tell me were I am wrong and tell me how I should fix it. Oh and an suggestions for extra support and some convincing tips,advice and facts will be very,very,very much appreciated. Sorry if this is long like I said earlier I wont all of my information to be fact not fiction( some of my brother's statements sound like he made it up off the top of his head)
Roosters are noisey. But my hens are very quiet. My Barr rock rarely makes a sound at all. The Easter Eggers are a bit more vocal but definitely not enough to bother neighbors.
OH sorry I should of specified that I want to get hens sorry about that. Yeah I'm probably getting Easter Eggers and Campines maybe Speckled Sussex if I can talk my sister into getting 3 breeds not just 2
I actually keep my birds to help cut down on insects. Chickens are fantastic hunters and will clean your yard of insects if you can occasionally let them range. Food attracts mice. But if you keep your food well contained that will not be a problem. Washing your hands will prevent anything else.
I do not know if they are allowed in your area, you will have to check.
Chickens are as costly as you allow them to be. But if you use them for eggs and factor in what farm fresh eggs cost their cost lowers considerably. I personally also count the lowered insect population (the chickens saved my vegetable garden last summer)
The biggest concern is usually food waste. Monitoring their food use helps.
Do you eat eggs every day? Because unless you do, even having only 6 birds you will significantly cut down on the eggs you buy. My easter eggers lay almost everyday, as does my Barr rock. During the winter you may need to buy eggs again, but once 6 chickens get to laying, you are going to get almost a half a dozen good healthy fresh eggs a day.
You might not have extensive experience with chickens, but you did come to a good place to learn :) chickens are not really like ducks, but yes I think you can easily raise them. The biggest thing is it is very important not to allow them to get wet, especially when chicks, but even as adults.

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