Chicken/Duck Math – It’s a Conspiracy!!!


10 Years
Mar 8, 2012
Middle Tennessee
OK, I had read alot about chicken and duck math on this forum before I joined...I have decided this is a "foul" conspiracy. I have only had chickens for about 2 1/2 months now, and since I got them, I have been offered buff brahmans, Easter Eggers, silkies, and mallard ducklings...all in about the last WEEK! GAHHHH!!! It is getting hard to resist!!! I only have 8 pullets (so the fella's idea that offered the brahmans that I just "sneak them into the flock" without my husband noticing ISN'T exactly gonna work). GAHHHHH!!!!
My husband complained about the Whats one more part of chicken math. After complaining about the lack of eggs to chicken ratio I went out and got 7 more. Four of wich are adult laying hens. He is content now that he can eat some eggs for breakfast.

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