Chicken dying?

For how long is this going on?
Well it just started today she hasn’t started laying eggs yet but the other one who same age has and she not eating or drinking it looks like and she just seems depressed or tired she just laying down a lot and only walks away when I move her
- how old is she?
- What do you feed them?
- Is she still making sounds?

I would separate her from the others just in case it's something contagious. Take her somewhere secluded, not too cold and dry
- how old is she?
- What do you feed them?
- Is she still making sounds?

I would separate her from the others just in case it's something contagious. Take her somewhere secluded, not too cold and dry
She about 25 weeks old I feed them this like pellets food and treats and she making sounds she calm and opening her mouth little bit giving her medicine now
- how old is she?
- What do you feed them?
- Is she still making sounds?

I would separate her from the others just in case it's something contagious. Take her somewhere secluded, not too cold and dry
Also. She does not like have runny eyes or nose so it weird
Could it be she's trying to lay her first egg? Or is it more than a couple of hours?
What medicine are you giving her?
Is it possible to upload a picture?
Do you know how her poop looks like?

Let's bring in the experienced chicken people... @Wyorp Rock do you have a clue?
Could it be she's trying to lay her first egg? Or is it more than a couple of hours?
What medicine are you giving her?
Is it possible to upload a picture?
Do you know how her poop looks like?

Let's bring in the experienced chicken people... @Wyorp Rock do you have a clue?
I getting vetrx right now and it been a long time I thought it was weird that she not payed eggs yet but I thought she slow and I don’t think she get egg bound on her first egg and I haven’t seen her poop yet
Could it be she's trying to lay her first egg? Or is it more than a couple of hours?
What medicine are you giving her?
Is it possible to upload a picture?
Do you know how her poop looks like?

Let's bring in the experienced chicken people... @Wyorp Rock do you have a clue?
I getting vetrx right now and it been a long time I thought it was weird that she not payed eggs yet but I thought she slow and I don’t think she get egg bound on her first egg and I haven’t seen her poop yet
Could it be she's trying to lay her first egg? Or is it more than a couple of hours?
What medicine are you giving her?
Is it possible to upload a picture?
Do you know how her poop looks like?

Let's bring in the experienced chicken people... @Wyorp Rock do you have a clue?
yeah I think she egg bound her tails to the ground and so is her butt what should I do now I supper worried
Let me try to alert someone else as it is night here.. @coach723 would you be able to give advice?

If she is eggbound there are things you can do. However that’s not the only possible reason when chickens have their tail down. So i don’t want you to start random treatments when you don’t know what the problem is.

Hopefully one of the others fly in to assist. In the mean time, put her in a quite corner with her favorite treats. So she can rest a little in case she is stressed out about something. And the snacks are there to provide some food if she decides she feels like it.

If she is eggbound there are things you can try. But first let’s wait what the others have to say as advice.

1. Take your chicken to a reasonable warm and dry place
2. Provide food and water for when she wants to eat
3. monitor if she takes some and also check the substance and colour of her poop (if any)
4. If you are certain she is eggbound try to feel if you can feel an egg. Don’t squish her. It can make things worse when you break the egg.

O, and check if she doesn’t have any wounds somewhere. To rule out she is attacked by something you didn’t see

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