Chicken eye swollen, now open but all i see is red


6 Years
Sep 17, 2014
I noticed my chicken had a swollen eye on Monday. I bought some VetRx and tried to put it on a swab and press it against the roof of her mouth (extremely difficult and seems impossible). Yesterday when I checked on her her eye was open, less swollen but i couldnt see her eyeball. It was all red. Not sunken in, but as i waved my hand by her eye she never even flinched. I gave her more VetRx and havent gotten a chance to check on her today yet. Does anyone know what this is? I thought eyeworm but now I'm not sure. Does anyone know what it looks like when a hen first looses an eye? Any help/advise would be great!!!
Does she have any nasal drainage, sneeze, cough, or noisy breathing in addition to her swollen eye? Is there any drainage or pus in the eye? Do you think that she could have been pecked in the eye? She has what looks like peck marks around her face and comb. Vet Rx is an herbal oil that is about equivalent with Vicks salve. I would try treating with an antibiotic-- Tylan 50 injectable, but give it orally since it can cause tissue damage at injection sites. Dosage is 0.2 ml per pound (about 1 ml for a 5 pound hen) given twice daily for 5 days.
No other symotoms. Not sneezong, no discharged no wheezing or heavy breathing. Today when I got home I found her by herself over by the other barn, maybe 100ft from the coop. I walked over to her and she got up and came to me. (Not typical behavior from her). Her eye was open and less swollen and all the red I saw last night was gone! Her eyeball is still there. I gave her more vetrx. I'll have to get some antibiotics for her next. Her eye looks better but her isolating herself worries me a bit
Yes we do. He's normally not aggressive and is typically very good to the ladies. Do you think maybe this is an injury... rather than an illness/worm...?
I see scabs/injury on the comb, some feather loss on the back of the head - could be from the rooster mating. I agree with @Eggcessive it does look like she has a scab close to the eye - she may have also been pecked in the eye. This can cause swelling and infection. I would try treating her as suggested.

You mentioned that she was isolating herself - some of it is probably due to the eye and not feeling well, but if she is getting picked on and/or overmated, then she may also be hiding out. A hen that isolated herself is not eating/drinking well either, this can further her decline. Observe her behavior along with the rest of the flock, if she is being picked on, overmated, and not seeking out food/water, then separate her to give her extra care. Getting her hydrated is the first step, then offer food - you may need to entice her with some chopped egg.

Hopefully cleaning/flushing the eye, removing any discharge and the giving the antibiotics along with getting her eating/drinking she will perk up.
An injury is a bit of a relief. At least it seems better than parasites and disease going around the coop. I'll put her one of the other barns and give her some special treatment for a few days and see if that helps. Thank you all for your advice!!
It won't hurt to check her for lice/mites and if you can, have a fecal float to rule out worms too.
Also feel her crop to see that it's full when she goes to bed and empty first thing in the morning. But you will still want to see if you can get the eye cleaned out of any pus or dirt (flush with saline or sterile water), apply an ophthalmic ointment like Terramycin and if you can get some Tylan50 as suggested by @Eggcessive I would be inclined to give her a 5day treatment of that too.

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