Chicken eye swollen, now open but all i see is red

Well you all seem to be right about it being an injury. I saw our rooster flush her out of the Bush she was hiding in and chased her and got her really good to the point of bleeding. I have her separated now and hope she will recover
How many hens do you have?

Sometimes it's best to separate the hen out to give her a rest and recover. If you can place her near the flock so they can all see each others that would be good.

Depending on the age of your rooster, he may need a time out to get more mature and give all the ladies a rest.

Let us know how she is doing.
Keeping her in a dog crate with her own food and water and treats of chopped egg, and inside the coop with the others where she can see them, would be good. The wire crates are good to stay visible and part of the flock while not being injured. Observing her and the eye care that Wyorp Rock suggested, will probably tell you if she has just been bullied or if she is sick. She may just be low in the pcecking order, or the rooster is picking on her perhaps because she is not submitting to his advances.
We have 12 hens. Rooster is 2 years old and has been with them for most of that time. I'm more curious now why he is singling her out and picking on her so bad. She seems to be eating and drinking just fine and as far as I can tell doesn't seem sick.

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