Chicken face inflates when she breathes!


7 Years
Jan 16, 2017
I have a young chicken (At least I'm hoping its a hen- I have already been deceived) that every time she breathes her entire face bloats up and then sinks back in. She doesn't seem to be wheezing, coughing, nothing from the nose, nothing. I have no idea what's happening and lately she seems to be acting tired, and is constantly sitting and falling asleep. She's also been falling from the tree where she sleeps, but I dont know if its because of this problem or because she has only grown half a wing (When I got her she was mostly bald).

I'm stumped as to what it could be and am really worried it might be something really serious. I was told she could have a heart problem but I'm not so sure about that.

Any suggestions would be great. please!
G’Day from down under Chickenunsernam

Wow, I have to admit I have never heard of that before. Definitely swollen or puffy face due to respiratory illness but not inflation and deflation with breathing.

I am thinking that because she only has half a wing and was bald, plus this, she may have some genetic disorder.

Are you able to post pictures of her at all? Or a video showing her breathing?

I am definitely interested to hear what others have to say.
Hi, I have a young Sussex cockerel who does the same thing. He came from a breeder so I don’t know if he always has... he is otherwise an energetic little fellow. I would love to know if you found out anything. Attached are sleeping photos where you can see just below the eye his cheeks puff out markedly then suck in with each breath..... thank you for any insights anyone has.
I know this is an old thread but any new information? I see one of my 12 day old silkie chicks breathing like this. Thank you
I know this is an old thread but any new information? I see one of my 12 day old silkie chicks breathing like this. Thank you
Are they coughing or sneezing? Any swelling around the eyes or sinuses? Are you able to provide a video of them doing what you’re describing?
I could not get the video to attach. First photo is the face normal and second face puffed up with breath


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Perhaps if there’s no other symptoms and it’s not acting any differently than the others, I personally wouldn’t worry about it.
Thank you for the reply! I’m trying not to worry, but of course I love them all and want the best for them. 🥰

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