Chicken Feathers...

My kids take my chickens for walks on a harness/leash. Not all of them like it, but we persist with the ones that will tolerate it. If we had baskets on our bikes, I could totally see us taking them for rides. :) I love this site, so many excuses to talk about chickens!
I feed Purina Flockraiser 20% (all-flock feed) all the time I can afford it. (And Dumor 17% or higher when I can't). From what I can tell the cost difference is due to protein content and trace nutrients/minerals.

I give them oyster shell and grit in separate containers in the covered run year round. Most hens will eat what they need of the grit and eggshell and the roosters will leave the oyster shell alone.

If you're wanting supplementation, consider rooster booster, also human vitamin B complex (in the water, you can't overdose). Sometimes folks feed human vitamin E or vitamin D for various reasons. Or Calcium citrate with vitamin D for egg shell issues. Nutridrench (molasses based) is also an easy way to supplement trace vitamins/minerals short-term. Probiotics for chickens are also helpful. Electrolytes when it's hot (Hydro-Hen or similar).

If you search on this site, Kiki has a link in her signature to the chicken feed Excel sheet, and that shows the trace nutrients that chickens need in their food and how much of each is in numerous commercial feeds.

16% is really the minimum on protein that commercial chicken houses can use and still get enough eggs from chickens only expected to live for two years. If you want healthier or longer-lived chickens, or better trace nutrients, best to up the protein a bit and pay more attention to trace nutrients/minerals/vitamins is how I understand it.

Good luck!!!

Thank you for the reply. I did add vitamin D3 in both their waters a few hours ago (Brahma, in the house, is showing signs of recovery now too; crazy as she was on death's door last night, flopped on her side, not moving). I have used vitamin E before, but must have ran out or rehomed it, as I can't find any in our cupboard. Lol I ran out of nutridrench, but am hoping to get some later today. And I will be getting Chick Starter Feed if available as well. I'm just going to switch all the chickens to it, as I'm guessing Brahma's the squeaky wheel and there's a chance Aussie might be feeling the effects of whatever it is and I need to just get this gone before anyone else gets sick. And haha, found Calcium Citrate in the cupboard. Not sure when or why I bought it, but it must've been for the chickens. Glad to know it's there and not expired!

What are your thoughts on VetRX Poultry Aid? And I've used Duramycin; should I get more of that? What I have here is expired.
Are your nest boxes on or near the ground? You say she's not light - maybe she's too heavy to fly up to the roost?

They are near the ground, but she had been sleeping on the main roost up until maybe a week ago, for the past couple years. And I give her credit: any weight gained has to be muscle, as she can kick butt. She really did not like me picking her up. #gotbeatupbyachicken And the roost isn't too far up either. Just beginning to think now that maybe whatever Brahma has, perhaps Aussie is feeling the effects. Her's just aren't as defined yet as her immune system is stronger. My husband is picking up needed feed/vitamins on his way home from work right now that have been shared on this thread. Gonna kick this in the butt before it reaches anyone else in the flock. Cleaning out the coop last night impulsively, really paid off! Gonna change the food out and finish getting everything freshened up!
For chickens up in years, there roost has to be lowered. It's has to do with accumulated weight and joint stress. The jumping down from roost starts to put too much tension on them. Which in can cause serious injuries.

But the hen in your picture looks fine other than she's molting.
What are your thoughts on VetRX Poultry Aid? And I've used Duramycin; should I get more of that? What I have here is expired.
I don't have an opinion on those - I'd search on this site to see what folks have to say.

Hope your chickens all feel much better soon!

I also would recommend lowering a roost for your older gals.

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