chicken feed help

The easiest routine is to continue their grower feed (15-18% protein) till you get the first egg and then switch to a layer feed (16-17% protein and 4% calcium).
You could also provide oyster shell in a separate container till they all start laying then switch. Even then, providing oyster shell is a good idea for those that feel the need for more Ca.
I'm not familiar with Lauer but in general, mash is usually for caged layers. Pelleted feed tends to limit waste since they can pick it up off the ground if they bill it out. Crumbles are the same as pellets, they're just pellets that have been run through a crumbler in the manufacturing process.
Mash, pellets and crumbles are all the same nutrition. Mash was more finely ground and IMO chickens aren't fond of too fine of particles.
What's best is going to depend upon where you live. We all have different brands available to us. I like to start with the local feed mill or co op. Often it's the cheapest and freshest product you can buy plus you are supporting local farmers and small business.
I meant layer feed
Auto correct.
Once my hens started doing "the squat" (last week), I put out a small bowl of oyster shell. Only the squatting hens (3 out of 9) were interested in eating it.
Then I bought a smal, 5 lb bag of pelletized layer feed. I bought a small bag because my hens had only had crumbles up to this point and I read that some hens don't take well to pellets. However, they all seem to like it. I got my first egg today. Good luck!

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