Chicken Fleas?


12 Years
Jul 30, 2007
Do chickens have fleas or little bugs or something living on them? I was carring around ginger, my NHR and now there are little white bugs that I can occasionaly feel walking on me.
if they are white, I would guess lice. Chicken (sticktight) fleas are biggish, dark, and I don't think they'd be walking on you; mites are common and would walk on you but are mostly greyish/brownish or red.

I dust mine with diatomaceous earth, a white powder that kills the lice by scratching their exoskeleton and causing them to bleed out. It doesn't hurt the chicken, or you and is safe. Just try not to inhale the stuff.
I got mine at my feed supply store. You need to dust all the chickens, and sprinkle it liberally in the coop, on the roosts and in the nesting boxes. I know it took care of my louse problem!

They (the lice) are breed specific so will not seek you or any other pet out as a host!

Thank you very much. I'm not sure if it's DE or not but if my chickens start laying will it effect the eggs or is it something else. Really sorry if it's a dumb question.
We use food grade DE

I just use a flour sifter to spread it over the pine shavings, throw some scratch on top, and let the birds mix in the DE with the shavings. In doing this, they are also dusting themselves with the DE. We've not any problems with lice or mites.

Hope this helps!


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