Chicken fledglings and rats


7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
Portland, Oregon
Put my fledgling silkie bantams out with rest of my hens and they accepted them pretty well. However, it appears our habit of throwing out fruit and veges to chickens has attracted rats. Worse yet, it appears that one or more of them have developed a taste for young fledgling silkies! Rats have killed all three of my babies now and I need help with ideas of how to get rid of these villians. I dug up and disposed of 6 nest full of baby rats, have managed to kill 3 adults for sure. HELP please! I am afraid they will go after the grown chickens next. I have 3 Old English hens that are as small as the fledglings were and a ten year old Rhode Island Red hens who is a love, but getting arthritis in her feet.
Can you bury a hardwire cloth "skirt" mourned you coop to keep them out?
Make sure your coop is really secure. Are they all coming through the same place or are your birds free-ranged? I hope you can fix the issue!
Sounds like you need to borrow a Jack Russell terrier or 2. They are rough on rats.
Main trouble with rats, there are probably several more you don't see, for every one you do.

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