Chicken folklore, also known as old wive's tales

People ALWAYS assume you need a rooster to get eggs. I finally cam eup with a response that shuts them down: "Hens, like human women, will ovulate on a regular basis regardless of whether there are any males around to mate them".

That makes them scratch their heads while I wait to see the look on their face when it dawns on them what human eggs are. LOL
LOL. I just wish that we humans take a "break" during the summer heat and during winter. Boy, would that be nice..

My grandparents always say if it starts to rain and the chickens run for's not going to rain long! But if they stay out in's going to rain all day????
Well, it's not for chickens, but it applies to poultry and it's along the same lines!

Turkeys are so dumb, they will look up while it is raining and drowned.

If there is a rooster in the coop, there will be chicks in the eggs when you go to eat them. Regardless the fact that they've been collected daily and refridgerated.

Even if it means you have to molt and loose all of your hair? Eyebrows? Eyelashes?

That depends, give me another week or two and the answer would be a definate "yes!".
Do they molt twice a year? Or even once every year?

It would really depend on how much of a "vacation" we would get compared to how much time spent molting. I would go for it, if I got a summer and winter break, as well as all the times I get stressed or go to a new environment if I only molted once every 2-3 years. Besides, it wouldn't be weird if everyond molted, it might be embarressing for a few weeks, but it wouldn't be weird or odd. Why would it be weird, since everyone had to go through it, even the males?

We could all be non-molting! That's it, like the Onagadori.

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