Chicken folklore, also known as old wive's tales

Perhaps this was the wrong thread to bring it up in, but the corn topic is one of the first things that came to my mind about old wives' tales. What I don't care for on this board is everytime there is a disagreement to the facts that people want to characterize an otherwise civil argument as something bad that should be avoided. Although some find the conversation interesting and would like to arrive at some answers, they feel they must quash it before "it turns ugly".

I'd like to continue this topic over in "Feeding Time". Ravenfeathers, please meet me there for a civil conversation.
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Is it reversed in Australia?

If an egg has two yolks it was laid by a rooster. Heard that one in a movie. They wouldn't eat the double yolker because it was bad luck to eat a rooster egg.
The tech at the vet's office today assisting with my dogs thought I had to have roos to get eggs. Sigh, that one will never go away.
My father's chicken wisdom from his summers at Grampa's farm: if you have chickens you'll have rodents.
And I have also had people assume my girls with big floppy single combs are roos. Happened two days ago.
My dh and I have been laughing over this list. He said he thinks brown eggs were just cooked longer in the chicken. lol I wonder how he would explain green and blue eggs then?
Toss an old hat over a group of straight run chicks.
The ones that look up are males, the ones that duck for cover are femmes.

Pure fantasy.

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