Chicken football with a soft shelled egg!

The Chicken People

10 Years
May 4, 2009
Smithville, Mo
Last night I was looking out the back door and noticed my girls running around playing football with a something! As I ran to check it out, I found that it was a soft shelled egg! Is there any hope for my gals or are they gonna be egg eaters now? The other day I dropped an egg in the coop and as I tried to get it all they ran pecking at it! I poured water on the area as fast as I could! I hope they dont start eating eggs! Ugh! Besides Oyster shell (we have increased it already) is there anything else I should feed to help prevent egg eating?

For strong eggshells, as long as you're feeding your hens a good layer feed, plus providing the oyster shell, you should be good to go. Now, in regards to egg eating, just make sure you collect your eggs at least once a day, or maybe even twice if you can.

I've had a few eggs break accidentally, and they did eat some, but luckily, they didn't turn into egg eaters. If they do, just put a couple ceramic eggs, or even a few golf balls in the nesting boxes. That usually helps deter them from breaking their own eggs on purpose and eating them.

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