chicken gone crazy?


6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
I live in south Alabama; it is warming up, I guess "spring has sprung". I have 6 hens, 1 rooster. One of the hens (1 year old) is getting on top of my pump house and continually scratching at the corrugated metal roof and constantly clucking & purring. I put some hay up there but she ignores it. Is she trying to make a nest to brood some chicks or just lost her mind? My rooster stays up there with her.

need help in AL
Sounds like she is either trying to nest or she could just be enjoying the sun shine. I say this because mine will dig scratch and purr in the sun shine too. She probably likes the warm roof. I'd say she's just enjoying the weather change. Mine will go crazy and roll and scratch and mess their heads in the dirt they are enjoying the sun as well. You know she's happy cause she's purring. I'll guess she likes the feeling of the sun.
Thanks for the reply. She is actually up under the branches of a cedar tree planted beside the pump house. I guess I will just let her go and see what happens.

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