Chicken has been slightly lethargic/depressed


Nov 18, 2023
My 2.5 year old buff cochin hen named Clementine has always been a sleepy hen since when she was a chick. Although she is at the bottom of the pecking order, she is still very sweet and talkative. However I have noticed as she has aged I find her in a dazed state a lot more, where she stands in a very lax/droopy looking manor, but when treats are nearby or if I startle her/move her she is completely normal.

I don't know if this is normal with her breed, or If I'm just paranoid. She eats and drinks normally and is enthusiastic to treats. She just got out from a molt, so maybe that could be where the lethargicness is from? Her eyes never close and she seems ok health-wise. My main concern though, is that she is too afraid to jump up onto roosts/fly down because of her size - she is quite large because of her breed. My other chickens, (easter eggers, rock partridge) are active and fly around easily. Clementine has stopped flying onto roosts other than into the sleeping roost since a few months ago. My chickens are not free range due to the fact that my area is not suitable for them. They have a large run, though, with roosts and running space.

I'm worried that due to her inactivity she will become obese and have other health issues. I have already had a water belly scare that turned out to not be an issue - she is a large chicken, and has a large underbelly. I can feel her keelbone under her crop. How do I help her become more active?
I will deworm my chickens soon.
What do you feed your chickens, and do they get treats? Do they get out to free range during the day? Have you dealt with coccidiosis or worms in the past? Does she normally lay eggs? Is her crop empty each morning, then filling up with food and water during the day? Pictures of her may help.
What do you feed your chickens, and do they get treats? Do they get out to free range during the day? Have you dealt with coccidiosis or worms in the past? Does she normally lay eggs? Is her crop empty each morning, then filling up with food and water during the day? Pictures of her may help.
I feed them Modesto milling organic feed. They get grubs, seeds and vegetables. They have a large run, but they do not free range during the day, since my lawn is presumably treated. She lays eggs, but all my chickens stopped this winter due to moltig. I have never dealt with worms or coccidiosis in the past, however I would definitely like to deworm them soon just in case. Her crop feels fine, bigger when she eats, small in the morning, however she is so fluffy it's hard to see without touching it. Heres one picture of her, it isn't too good, but i cannot upload many photos atm. Ty for helping!

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