Chicken has white face!


Nov 23, 2017
Kimberley, Western Australia
Hi all! Firstly, these are not my chickens but chickens from an animal rescue that I volunteer at regularly. It is very busy out there and I do not want criticism of how long it’s taken me to notice these things (haha).
Months ago I noticed one chicken (isa brown, 1 year old) was white - one half of her face was the usual healthy red, and the other half was completely white. No pigment whatsoever. You couldn’t even call it pale, it was WHITE white, and also the usual skin texture. As there are many many chickens there, I thought I’d just never seen this particular chicken before. I assumed that it was something genetic to do with her pigmentation.
Now two months later, the chicken’s condition has not really changed, though she is looking a bit worse for wear, and there are two more with white patches now, that definitely didn’t have them before.
And thus I am thinking we may be dealing with something contagious.
A google search suggests a fungal infection but I’m struggling to find more information, and pictures to compare to. Does anyone have any suggestions or names for me? Thank you all so much <3
The more I read about favus, the less convinced I am. I’m reading it described as scaly or crusty patches affecting the face and comb, but I’m certain that the texture of mentioned chicken is regular, like it really is the pigment beneath the skin, or perhaps a circulation problem? The comb is also not affected at all (yet).
I’ve also just realised that all the birds affected are isa browns from the same generation, perhaps there’s a link there...?
Alright! I finally got some pictures! As you can see she is completely healthy on one side, not so much on the other. I was also able to pick her up and noticed that she is a healthy weight

It also have me a chance to observe that there IS some texture to the white after all, although hardly. So perhaps I am looking at fungal after all. In which case how should I go about treating it, given that it’s so close to her eye area?

Ps the yellow on her comb is egg yolk 😂
that looks a bit like the crud that scaly leg mites leave behind on my chickens legs and feet. I wonder if you have a mite problem? Might be an idea to treat them anyway.

I've never had favus in my flock, but you can buy antifungal cream at the pharmacy.
that looks a bit like the crud that scaly leg mites leave behind on my chickens legs and feet. I wonder if you have a mite problem? Might be an idea to treat them anyway.

I've never had favus in my flock, but you can buy antifungal cream at the pharmacy.
Thanks for this suggestion! I was previously unaware that leg mites could affect other places. It would make a lot of sense too, since we are currently treating another hen with scaly leg mites on her feet.
I did a little research and the pictures of face scaly mites are a lot more identical than the pictures of favus I was finding!

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