Chicken hit by a car


Jul 15, 2018
Not sure what kind, looks kind of like a barnavelder-or how ever you spell it, and not sure if male or female.
This chicken just showed up on our property at our place of business months ago. It had been doing pretty good, we looked out for it every day but a few days ago it came up with a broken wing and a broken leg.
What are some things that DEFINITELY need to be done and things that COULD be done, but are NOT necessary.
Just trying to help out our little friend
Here's some pics.

I can't splint it, or maybe I don't really know how. It seems it's broken right at the ankle. I can't get a pic of it but there's a little bubble looking thing on the back of the ankle that might be a broken bone sticking out.
The wing I tried wrapping up with done sticking cast material but his wing just slowly went back to hanging again. And he made it loosen.
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Clean any open wounds, soap and water, chlorhexidine, diluted betadine, sterile saline are all good. You can put plain neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment (no pain killers in them) on them, I can see at least one scrape or wound under the wing. For the wing you can do a figure 8 wrap, instructions with pictures here, they show a small songbird, the anatomy is the same :
For the foot, since I can't see the lump/bubble you are talking about I don't know for sure how to advise you, this has instructions for a ducks foot which I think could be adapted for a chicken. In the pictures it appears that the bird is bearing weight on it and the toes are working (?), so maybe just a bad sprain. Go to page 25 here for the foot/ankle splint:
You can also use a chicken sling to take the weight off, I generally don't do this unless they cannot put weight on it or keep balance, as they may freak out about it and hurt themselves more. Here are some examples:



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