Chicken "in your face" pictures!!

Thank you, all I know is she is a Banty she is the only chick that hatched out last June the rest of the eggs were bad.
I was trying to get a picture of Starsky (in the back) and one of the buffs walked right in front me and pecked the lens lol

These were all great pictures. I love looking thru all of these. Someday I will post some pictures myself. Just really getting started.
Nice pictures everyone!!!


And one of Betty with a caption!
This is Muffin, the only pictures in have of her are "in yo face" shots. Every time I pull the camera out, she comes a runnin'. I guess she considers the camera food, just like everything else I might have in my hands


And this guy was just scary


What kind of chicken is the bottom one? Are his feathers supposed to look like that? I think its cute :)

I got this picture when I took out my phone to snap one of Biddy. He looked at my phone like "what is that!?" and then pecked it several times.
All my chickens ever DO is give face. I could start a modeling agency with this lot.

Sneaky Baby Face:

Derpy Grown-up Face:

Handsome Baby Face:

Grew-Up-Even-More-Handsome Face:

Bonus Giant Dog Face:

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