Chicken is bleeding and left out by their mother! (HELP ASAP!)


6 Years
Feb 11, 2017
So yesterday 5 chicks hatched with their moms, and today 2 more have hatched, but earlier when i checked on the eggs there was an egg outside the hen so it was a little cold, so i made sure the chick inside was still alive (it had pipped) wich it was, then put it back under the hen, later it hatched but it got pushed out again by their mother as if she does'nt want them. when i checked the chick has blood on it and was outside the hen so i took it and cleaned off some dirt then put it back under the hen, the chick is not making any sound and is just barely moving
ill send a pic
the chick seemed a bit more lively now, moving more and making very faint sounds
Its hard to tell, but that doesn't look good. There may be something wrong with it you don't know about. Has this hen had chicks before? I have a few hens that are not allowed to raise chicks because they will kill them.
That looks like bad news, either a birth deformity, or possibly mother hen cannibalizing her. Hopefully for the other chicks, its a birth defect

After posting, I really think it is a birth defect, fact of mother pushing the egg out of the nest, she may have known there was an issue and focused her attention on healthy chicks. Most animals will do this
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Poor thing go. ahead and put it down. it's so tiny to have this injury and mother hen knows best.
Got my answers: the chick was early hatched so the egg yolk wasn't fully absorbed, it should absorb by itself but its easy for it to rip off, causing the chick to bleed to death, it died this night...

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