Chicken keeps falling down randomly and can’t get up by herself.


Jun 23, 2023
She’s a Dominque chicken. 4 years old. She’s been laying eggs so she’s not eggbound. I’ve checked for bumblefoot, mites, and etc but can’t find the source of her issue. She walks extremely carefully and never runs anymore. This started happening during winter. Sometimes she falls down usually on her right side but also sometimes gets stuck in her back. She doesn’t seem to be able to get up at all by herself and needs help. Her legs seem to work good, nothing seems to be broken. She eats Layer feed and some treat scraps so I believe it wouldn’t be a vitamin deficiency as the other chickens are completely healthy. She gets stuck a lot on her chicken ramp so I have massive concerns for her especially when winter hits again. Any ideas? It doesn’t seem to be Mareks either as it’s been happening for months.
It seems like she has difficulty standing up on her right leg. She can use it still but isn’t like she can’t stand on it.
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Do you have photos of her and her poop?

Does she lay eggs?

Check her for lice/mites, get a fecal float to rule out worms. See that her crop is emptying overnight.

Work on hydration and start her on vitamin therapy. 400IU Vitamin E along with 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Give her a little egg to help with the uptake of E.

Hard to know what's ailing your hen, as they age, they can begin to have difficulties. Usually cancer or reproductive disorders, but Marek's disease can crop up at any time too.

If you lose her, getting a necropsy will give you the most information, you can find your state lab here:

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