Chicken killed a mouse!

Great info to know....I had no idea!
Turns those chickens loose on those suckers!

I got plenty in the barn!
I was in the coop the other nite and a little 2 1/2 - 3 foot snake went slithering right past me.....I almost wet my pants screaming!!! The chickens came outta the coop (they had already put themselves up for the nite) and attacked it!!! Once it was dead they all took their turns running around the yard with it. Funny thing was the next morning when I let them out they didn't run straight to the feeders, like usual, they came running out looking at the ground and searching for another snake!! My little heros!!
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This explains why the resident rodent... erm "squirrel"... has a fit every time s/he sees the chooks. It gets up in the grape arbor and huffs, puffs, whines, moans, and complains about some thing or other.

I can't stand grey squirrels.
Just a thought & who knows......but rodents & bats carry tons of really nasty dieases. If the chickens eat these mice, etc, aren't they going to get some nasty type of disease if that rodent has a diease?
Ya know what I mean?

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