Chicken laid two soft shells eggs while roosting.


In the Brooder
Oct 22, 2023
My 9 month old Rhode Island Red has laid a good egg daily since she started laying at about 6 months. Last night she laid two soft shelled eggs while roosting. She hasn't laid today at her usual time. She seems healthy and acts normal. Several weeks ago I noticed some worms in her poop and treated with a natural product and that cleared up.
Then I'd not worry much, just keep an eye on her.

What did you use to 'treat'?
A product from "The Poultry Store" called All Natural Dewormer containing black pepper, urtica.dioica, capsicum annuum, allium sativum, oregano. After a daily treatment for two weeks it recommends 3 times a week which I am still giving to her.
My 9 month old Rhode Island Red has laid a good egg daily since she started laying at about 6 months. Last night she laid two soft shelled eggs while roosting. She hasn't laid today at her usual time. She seems healthy and acts normal. Several weeks ago I noticed some worms in her poop and treated with a natural product and that cleared up.
Hi there! How is your Rhode Island Red girl doing? I just had a pullet do the exact same thing. Two soft eggs on the roost, one right after the other. I hope it's just a fluke, but am curious how your girl is doing. Is she back to regular laying or have you had any ongoing health issues with her? Hope she is well. Thanks!
My hen just laid a soft egg roosting. I took it out of the cage. It was very soft. She laid a hard egg this morning. Just wondering if this is normal or not. These are my first hens. I am not experienced in hens.
My hen that was laying 2 eggs stopped after a few weeks and returned to laying normal, healthy (single) eggs. I guess it’s a little like how sometimes young hens lay double yolked eggs. Is your hen young?

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