Chicken laws in Mebane N.C???


5 Years
Jul 7, 2014
Me and a neighbor have chickens they aren't free range because we live in a subdivision ! My question is if neither of us have been able to find any ordinance for or against chickens! We do have someone who lives a block over who has 3 coops and has never had a problem so am I to assume there is no ordinances either way ?
I'm in Mebane as well - I'm outside of the city limits with five sweet silkie girls and one perfect silkie roo. I'm in a rental and am trying to buy, and am having trouble with an agent saying that Mebane (within the city limits) does not allow roosters - but they have not been able to show me any proof of said ordinance. It's getting really obnoxious. I want to be sure that they are allowed on the property I am considering, as otherwise there is no point in me placing an offer on it.
I know a guy who lives up by the school and he has a rooster I also have 1 he is a sizzle ! I have found nothing even asked my vet at creekside he said he was not aware of any ordinance for mebane but knew burlington had a ordinance against roosters !! I have looked and looked and found nothing ! If you find anything let me know !!
Dr. Swanner is my vet too! :) I love that he sees chickens. I'll let you know what happens - the two people I've talked to in planning/ordinances for the town were less than helpful.
I FINALLY got a hold of someone in Mebane after copious messages and emails. Essentially, within the city limits, chickens are allowed and roosters are allowed but discouraged due to noise ordinances. Neighborhoods are dependent on covenants, of course.

It turns out my neighborhood went through three different builders, and the second two created covenants but never registered them. The agent spoke to an attorney who said that if they are not registered, they are not enforceable.

So it looks like so long as one has nice neighbors, chickens and roosters are just fine!

I'd be curious as to your setup - coop, etc. Outside the city limits where I live now, I have a fenced in backyard that they roam in all day and are penned up in a smaller kennel + nest box at night. The property I'm considering is not fenced, so I would have some constructing to do. Of course, if this does go through, I would like to be a courteous neighbor and avoid any noise issues, as well.
Well thank you so much !! So far all my neighbors could care less about them but would love eggs when they start laying :) I have a pre fab coop with an attached run its also inside a small fence that we use to have a trampoline in so they can free range in that ! Right now I have 8 all together :)
That's such a cool setup! It definitely gives me ideas. I have eggs-galore, and only four of my girls are laying right now - the fifth is broody and is trying to hatch everything. :)
If you are on Facebook follow the chicken chick she's amazing she had great tips for me breaking my broody coop ideas and so much more !
I know this post is old but I am moving to Mebane (outside city limits) and have been trying to make sure I could have chickens. I figured this information could be useful for others searching for chicken info in the area.

I spoke with a Mebane city official who said since I was out of city limits my rules would be governed by Orange County. I then called the Orange County zoning board and they said there are no bans on chickens or goats in Orange County. But neighbourhood covenants, HOAs and other declarations would be the determining factor. For my area (with no HOA) my biggest issue will be permitting the coop because it must be away from the well and repair area as well as the septic tank, leaching field and repair area. My additional structures (coop and goat house) also cannot make us exceed our maximum impervious surface allowance. This is because we are in a watershed.

Basically my official said if I put it in the right place and get it permitted (and don't have animals that become "nuisance animals")

Then we are in the clear!
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