Chicken layed shell-less egg... 3 days later, sick and won't eat or drink


Sep 2, 2020
Pecky is a 4 year old white leghorn. She has recently lost a little weight, is weak and will not eat or drink. About three days ago, she laid a shell-less egg her vent briefly was prolapsed. She got progressively weaker for the last three days, and now won't even open her eyes or stand. A lot of clear liquid is coming from her beak.

No other birds are exhibiting these signs. There are not signs of trauma. The poop is runny. So far, we took her to the vet who did not have experience with birds. They said it could be something bacterial/viral but really were just guessing because they are not avian doctors.
It sounds like she might have a reproductive disorder that is affecting the shell quality. Salpingitis and egg yolk peritonitis can be common in hens over 2. Insert a clean finger inside her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg or obstruction. You can try giving some calcium 1/2 tablet or Tums daily for several days in case of calcium deficiency to help her shells and to lay. Can you feel of her crop to see if it is empty, full, puffy or firm? The crop should be empty in morning. Does the liquid in her beak seem to be coming from mucus secretions or from her crop?
It sounds like she might have a reproductive disorder that is affecting the shell quality. Salpingitis and egg yolk peritonitis can be common in hens over 2. Insert a clean finger inside her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg or obstruction. You can try giving some calcium 1/2 tablet or Tums daily for several days in case of calcium deficiency to help her shells and to lay. Can you feel of her crop to see if it is empty, full, puffy or firm? The crop should be empty in morning. Does the liquid in her beak seem to be coming from mucus secretions or from her crop?

We just checked her vent -- no egg. Her crop feels puffy but definitely not hard/full. The liquid in her beak seems to be from mucous secretions - there are both thin and mucus-like components.
We just checked her vent -- no egg. Her crop feels puffy but definitely not hard/full. The liquid in her beak seems to be from mucous secretions - there are both thin and mucus-like components.
Her comb is turning purple now. Should we lift her head up to keep the fluid from coming out of her beak? We let her lean forward so it could drain.
Very sorry for your loss. It sounds like there was nothing that you could do to save her. It is common to lose them at 4-5 years, and reproductive disorders are the most common cause. If you would like to find out what was wrong, you can either send her body to your state poultry vet for a necropsy, or do a simple home necropsy to look at her organs. If you do the latter, take pictures of the major organs and post them here. If you call the state vet for a necropsy, keep her body cold but not frozen. Here is a list of state poultry vets to contact:

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