Chicken laying at sunset?

OK dumb question lol but can they control when they lay?

I don't know. I'm relatively new here so defer to others. Of my eight three-year-old chickens, only four lay eggs and when they do is totally random. My Silkie has laid maybe three eggs in her entire lifetime and there's at least one I've never seen in the layer box. I don't know if you can "train" them to lay earlier, but that might be worth looking into.
Makes sense. I watched a video yesterday someone posted about egg formation, very detailed for visual learners like myself. it was fascinating! and to think I never gave the incredible, edible egg much thought before raising my own.
Was probably me....Egg Formation Video

OK dumb question lol but can they control when they lay?
Ehhh....they may be able to 'hold' the egg ready to emerge until they get to a nest, but I don't think they can consciously control when the ova are released, tho their bodies may respond to stress or other conditions as to if/when/how to release an ova or the efficacy of other parts of the process.
Was probably me....Egg Formation Video

Ehhh....they may be able to 'hold' the egg ready to emerge until they get to a nest, but I don't think they can consciously control when the ova are released, tho their bodies may respond to stress or other conditions as to if/when/how to release an ova or the efficacy of other parts of the process.
Yes! it was you, thank you
Was probably me....Egg Formation Video

Ehhh....they may be able to 'hold' the egg ready to emerge until they get to a nest, but I don't think they can consciously control when the ova are released, tho their bodies may respond to stress or other conditions as to if/when/how to release an ova or the efficacy of other parts of the process.

Thanks for reposting the video here!

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