Chicken leg issue! Help!


10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
New Paris, Pa 15554
My chicken has a leg issue, it is a rooster who I hatched this winter, about 3 weeks ago I noticed him flopping around I brought him inside to look at him. He could stand on his right leg but was falling over like it was a balance issue, I felt the leg but I didn't feel anything broken. So i just kept him away from the other chickens thinking maybe it would heal. Well now as of today it is no better except he has gotten used to the fact he is one legged now so he has adapted, he walks but drags the other leg. The legs are both forward, he lifts the bad one from the the thigh but from the hock down he can't move, his toes don't move. Its like his thigh is fine and he is lifting the thigh to move the bad leg but the whole hock and foot are his foot now, if anyone can picture and understand that. It bends at the hock flat to the ground? I been reading about tendons and thought that might be what it was and now I think I may have waited when I should have done something

Is there a surgery that can be performed maybe or something I just want the poor guy to be able to be normal again. I though about culling but I JUST CAN'T.
Anyone know of any poultry vets around my are??? I an in south central Pa. Bedford County.

I feel so bad for this chicken. I want to help him and I would consider spending SOME money to fix this. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.

He is eating and drinking fine, very alert, good color, and is free range during the day time.
It actually appears to be the ankle or toe, see, he cant straighten it out, look there (could be painful for him I think it is) gently try to return the foot to a normal position, all toes straight andd flat, the video was really dark, but the injury is ankle or below I think so, let me know what happens when you do that
I put his foot on the ground flat, like normal but when I do He acts off balance and leans forward, like he is gonna fall forward. his leg won't go completely straight.
It sounds like a tendon injury, keep him isolated and not running around on it, can you move the joint back and forth normally? It looked like the middle toe wasn't working right, it could be injured or trapped, exacty where the injury is would help...on the dark 3 second video, all I saw was the middle toe not extending.. like a sprained ankle. I would isolate and confine him and hope that helps some. If there is no deformity on the leg, and the joints move normally, it is likely a sprain...wish I could see more. He may have jumped and landed wrong. not sure.. sorry
Just wanted to update anyone who may have been wondering as of 2 days ago My big handsome rooster with his worthless leg, has recovered. I gave him my front porch with carpet, warm food and water and a lot of leg massaging, and petting and talking. And he is standing tall walking and running with the rest of the flock. He is now my biggest fan. He was not a tame rooster before this now he likes his hugs
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