Chicken Manure everywhere

You want your shavings to be dry and fairly large or they're dustier......they also won't break down very quick (at all) for compost.
Best to have your roost higher than your nests...or they will roost(sleep) and poop in nests
I'd just get rid of that upper nest bank 3 nests is enough for 9 birds...put some HC over it and use for ventilation.
Your chicken wire run(and thus your coop) is not predator proof...chicken wire is good for keeping chicken in but lot of nasty critters can get thru it.

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If i put my pole high, how will they get to it, ramp? Do they jump up? i lower my pole or raise it? Or have 2.

I live in delta, co high desert/countryside. In the summer its 70-105. Lately 85-100. In the winter, we get snow and it gets cold for sure, warmer than denver but still it can get down low.
You want your shavings to be dry and fairly large or they're dustier......they also won't break down very quick (at all) for compost.
Best to have your roost higher than your nests...or they will roost(sleep) and poop in nests
I'd just get rid of that upper nest bank 3 nests is enough for 9 birds...put some HC over it and use for ventilation.
Your chicken wire run(and thus your coop) is not predator proof...chicken wire is good for keeping chicken in but lot of nasty critters can get thru it.

What is you climate?
Putting your location in your profile can help folks give better answers/suggestions.

Also ive read about HC wire and the fact that predatora can get through my poultry wire, but it was all free wire :) so when i get extra cash ill put HC on.
Quote: Getting up is easier than getting down with narrow floor space for landings,
you may have to do some very creative ramping there.
You might turn the upper nests into roost/poop boards.
Might be able to lose the lower ramp, they can just that far.

They are little now so a lower roost would be good for them,
but once they get older they are going to want to roost higher.
I started with pine shavings, couldn't decide & got both. Been using the rice hulls for about two months. I still have pine shavings in my compost from Feb (new to composting too).
Yes, those chips will stay around a long time in a compost pile. How are the hulls working for litter, though? :)

Yep those are nesting boxes infront of the windows. The windoes open and close for easy grabbing at the eggs. But, i was going to add some thin ply, into a routed trim piece, to slide up and down to be able to "close off/shut" the poultry wire window.

Ok ill add more cleats to the ramps.

I like your idea of leaving a side of the poop board off so i can scrape all the poo off easy into a bucket, at first i was thinking i gotta move the poop board everyday or whenever its time to add it to compost but that makes things easy.

Yes, the other side, where i took the pictures from. Its completely open. The run is entirely closed off, so the coop isnt closed off. I was gonna figure out maybe putting something up for winter months.

My roosting pole, is a 2x4, ripped down to 1 3/4" and then the corners cut off at an angle so its kinda "rounded" ill take a pic when i get off work.

Ill also take a few more coop pics from another angle. I believe even if i closed off th entrance to the coop, my eves are open (but poultry wired) and i believe thatll serve as good ventilation. Maybe, im no expert, yet.
but if i gotta cut a hole and literally put a vent i will.
Nesting boxes... It looks like they're wide open. Chickens like dark "secretive" places to lay eggs....I would definitely box those nests in some and cover the windows so the light isn't shining right on them.

Ok, if the other end of the coop is open that is good. Even in the winter time you will want good ventilation. I think I read that you have the eves ventilated...??? If so, then closing off part of the open in might not'll still need a pop door for them to come and go through. Just make sure it isn't drafty on your chickens.

Using a full 2x4 with the 4" side facing up gives the chickens a wide perch to sit on. They will cover their toes with their feathers which will help prevent frostbite.

I don't think you need to be cutting any more holes in the coop (from what I can tell). That open end and the open eaves should give you plenty to work with.

Best wishes,
If i put my pole high, how will they get to it, ramp? Do they jump up? i lower my pole or raise it? Or have 2.

I live in delta, co high desert/countryside. In the summer its 70-105. Lately 85-100. In the winter, we get snow and it gets cold for sure, warmer than denver but still it can get down low.
Well, actually, the nests seem a bit high to me. Lowering them would help the roost pole situation but I know would take some work regarding the windows and outside egg retrieval. There are just certain things in the design of a coop that need to be somewhat adhered to. Next boxes being lower than roosts is one of those.

Looking at your coop dimesnions, I would want my roosts back at the end where the nest boxes are at and be able to close off those upper vents but leaving the open end mostly open. Basically that would create an "open air poultry house" a search for that phrase. Also search for "P.T. Woods"...he did much work with open air houses.

Ok. Today i put pine wood shavings on the coop floor. I closed off the nesting boxes, making them use the pole. I bedded the run floor with grass clippings and wood chips.

Tomorrow im gonna remove the upperbank og nesting boxes and move the current roosting pole up. I will remove the lower ramp and remove the slats and put them on the bigger one.

Then ill post pics. ;D
Well, dogs can tear through HC, too.  To prevent dogs and coons from tearing through you would want to use 2x4 welded wire fencing.


Isnt 2x4 welded wire too big of an opening? I have a crap ton of this stuff at work i can use, would you add it to the poultry wire, or would u take down the poultry wire and use this stuff, im thinking, add it.

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