Chicken Math - Should I go with the same breed?


8 Years
Jun 12, 2011
Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada
I've recently lost a red sex link to a raccoon (we've dispatched four since the incident and the payback continues but that's another story!!). I have one red sex link and three barred rocks left. But we're finding that just missing the one hen in the flock has really cut into our egg numbers. So my DH suggested adding to the flock, I was so excited that he suggested it first!! I've been in contact with a local chicken breeder who has barred rocks, black sex links and several other breeds that are already laying. My plan is to purchase two or three and after a two week quarantine, introduce them using a large dog kennel. I figured after several days of them being separated I could probably introduce them slowly, I like the idea of moving them into the coop at night, very covert!

So here's my question. Would it be easier to introduce more barred rocks? If they look the same maybe they'll get along more quickly? I'd really like a couple of black sex links but I'd go with more BR's if it will make things go more smoothly.
Always get a different breed... you know you want to try a few new breeds.....
Always get a different breed... you know you want to try a few new breeds.....

You must be a mind reader! I do want to try something different, just trying to keep things as easy as possible too you know? I think I'll try the black sex links, I know they're not a fancy heritage breed but I think they're so pretty!

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