Chicken math

Chicken math:
Went to get a dozen silver grey Dorking eggs from a local breeder. She gave me 15, then asked if I wanted 2 3 and a half week old chicks (the silver grey Dorking roster mated her buff silkie... So she had mutts). I took one look and loved them.
Now, I'm at day 17 of incubation and I'm down to 6 eggs left. 7 were lost due to infertility, 2 to bacteria.
So, I went for 12, came back with 15+2 chicks... Now I'm down to 2 chicks and 6 eggs.
(Plus 5 white leghorns... From 10 eggs)
Chicken subtraction happened today. Processed 11 chickens today. 3 roosters going to be processed tomorrow.
Might be under 200 now.

Oh good heavens! Someone needs to put an order in for next day emergency delivery.
Oh good heavens! Someone needs to put an order in for next day emergency delivery. :cool:

I wish but reality is that the number needs to be about 80 chickens and my 40 odd ducks for winter. 24 birds are headed to auction on saturday and then 26 meat birds left to process. That will get the number manageable for a Canadian winter.
There are still 8 eggs in the incubator set to hatch next week.
My hubby had to run me to the grocery store Saturday night to buy eggs. I get between 6 and 8 a day from my hens. HE told me that since I finished processing the meat birds this weekend that I need more layers :). He sent me off to Rural King with his sister and I came home with these little guys:

They are 4 Buff Orpington, 4 Rhode Island Red, and 2 Black Austrolorp :).

I also have 6 eggs in the incubator due to hatch next week. He says I need more hens, Im happy to oblige hehehe.

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