Chicken math

I haven't even gotten my chicks yet, but have succumbed to chicken math. Hubby agreed to 3 chicks for eggs, VT has a minimum of 6... Hubby is annoyed but agrees, had already told the children yes.... I may have ordered 8, you know in case we loose a couple....going to pick them up next week!
2 BO
2 EE's
1light brahma
So in that batch I ordered Araucana, Ameraucana, Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, Black sex links, & New Hampshires. 3 weeks later after the mail delivery, I picked up 2 leghorns from the store but
theres 6 minimum purchase, so I added 2 Easter Eggers, 1 Speckled Sussex & 1 Plymouth Barred rocks. Grand total = in my fuzzy math there's only 20.

I love this thread!! I'm not alone HAHAHA.

I'm kind of regretting chickens right now. They've started jumping the neighbors 6' fence and won't come back over by themselves (so far). Looks like I'll have to clip some wings.
And I thought I was bad. Although I ordered 25 last year and then went to the feed store and bought 3 more because I really wanted EE and didn't get any in my mixed surprise box of pullets so I just had to have them. Lost 3 to a fox, rehomed a few, sent a hand full to freezer land, rehomed 2 EE because the flock didnt like one and I couldn't send one she'd be lonely. So down to 7 and thats just not enough so talked hubby into a few more. Now I have 7 laying hens and 4 unsexed 5-6 week old chicks. :D Plus Im on the waiting list for more unrelated Icelandics once the breeder gets her pair.
So currently I have these adults
2 Barred Rocks
2 Rhode Island Reds
4 EEs
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
1 Partridge Rock
2 Australorps
2 White Leghorns
1 Black Sexlink
1 Black New Jersey Giant?
1 Blue Partridge Silkie
1 Speckled Sussex
1 Gold Sexlink
1 White Bearded Polish
1 White Crested Black Polish Bantam
1 Black d'Uccle Bantam

Mille Fleur Cochin Bantam
Black Breasted Olde English Game Bantam
Silver Lakenvelder

2 Blue Cochin females
3 Black Sumantra females
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte female

My roosters are currently separated from my hens because I don't know how I would feel about eating fertilized eggs. So ,of course, tomorrow I'm off too the feed store to get them some ladies (can't have my boys lonely can we? And getting rid of or eating them is DEFIANTLY not an option.) so they chicks I have now are eventually going to go into the main coop with the other girls so now I need to get some hens for my boys. So tomorrow I'm getting some Naked Necks, New Jersey Giants, Sicilian Buttercups,Buff Orpingtons, Buff Brahmas, Light Brahmas, Cuckoo Marans. In a few days I'll be getting a few Silkies, some Old English(standard size), and Pekin Ducks (yes there is such thing as duck math).And then in May some Houdans, Anconas, Salmon Faverolle, Thailand, Buff Minorca, Black Minorca, some Cochins, Silver Spangled Hamburg (some of these are going to my Roos while some are going to be with my ladies in the main coop).:confused: :jumpy
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I DID IT! I made it in and out of TSC yesterday without bringing home anymore babies. Hubby was surprised. Talk about self control. Almost came home w banties but still holding out for the local breeder to get an unrelated line of Icies and don't want to push my luck too far.
I did not read this entire thread, but the few that I did read I surmised that most of you are small timers. (No offense to anyone...) You guys went to get 3 chicks and ended up with 8 or ten. Well, my wife says my curse is doing things big....

She wanted chickens and took 7 adults that needed re-homing (we did not even have chickens and I was against getting them). That was last August.

Now (counting my 3 day old chicks) we have 59.... Now that is chicken math..... (don't ask, it is all her fault....)
I was so happy to see your post! Now I don't feel like I may have gone too far! I love the effects and occurance of "Chicken Math" and how it happens.
Two months ago I had NO chickens. Hubby...not interested!
Then, I adopted 4 rehomed laying EE hens. 1 week later I found a breeder who wanted to down size his Astralorps, so I adopted 5 four month old pullets. (Expecting them to start laying any day now). Two weeks ago, I walked into my feed store that just happened to have 2 day old chicks...left with 2 Buff Orpington pullets, 1 EE pullet and 1?. Then the breeder that I got my Aussies from had 1 Crested Cream Legbar auto sexed pullet left...took her. Yesterday I found a breeder who had 1 week old Blue Copper Marans...I got 4...he also had 3day old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte' 3 of them. Now I total 21! I think I'm done...but who knows. I LOVE MY VARIETY OF CHICKENS!
I was so happy to see your post! Now I don't feel like I may have gone too far! I love the effects and occurance of "Chicken Math" and how it happens.
Two months ago I had NO chickens. Hubby...not interested!
Then, I adopted 4 rehomed laying EE hens. 1 week later I found a breeder who wanted to down size his Astralorps, so I adopted 5 four month old pullets. (Expecting them to start laying any day now). Two weeks ago, I walked into my feed store that just happened to have 2 day old chicks...left with 2 Buff Orpington pullets, 1 EE pullet and 1?. Then the breeder that I got my Aussies from had 1 Crested Cream Legbar auto sexed pullet left...took her. Yesterday I found a breeder who had 1 week old Blue Copper Marans...I got 4...he also had 3day old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte' 3 of them. Now I total 21! I think I'm done...but who knows. I LOVE MY VARIETY OF CHICKENS!


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