chicken missing an eye with bad infection


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
I have a rooster that got in a rooster battle. It totally destroyed his face and took his eyeball.

Up until today there was a scab over his eye socket and we had not seen what was under. Today we gently peeled the scab to find it is very badly infected and totally empty.

His entire face is just a huge scab. Poor thing.

My question, think his horribly infected eye socket and missing eye are fixable?

I have been dosing his eye socket with antibiotic ointment, and we wiped his face (wattle and comb) down with blue kote.

Would like tylan help this guy?
I'm sorry to hear about your rooster.

Cleaning the eye out is a very good idea, to prevent bacterial and fungal infections or cure those that are already there. Keep him eating and drinking and keep his face clean. If you are worried about the open socket you could make a mini-chicken-eye-patch for him. He will heal, even with this disability, and should learn to get around.
If the infection seems to be spreading to the rest of his face than he should go on antibiotics.

Hope he gets better!

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