chicken molting and loss of feathers how much do I give of the feather fixer?


6 Years
Mar 13, 2017
I read that we should separate our rooster (now one year old) and that we can mix feather fixer
feed in with their layer feed. How much of that should we mix in with the feed? about one cup or
The feathers my girls are all plucked out on top of their backs. I wish I had known how to fix this
problem. How long will it take for their feathers to grow back?
thanks for your reply.
Feather Fixer should be the only feed fed to molting chickens, not mixed with layers feed. It's the higher Protein that helps feathers to grow. Mixing with a lower Protein feed, like most layers feed will lessen the Protein. GC
I read that we should separate our rooster (now one year old) and that we can mix feather fixer
feed in with their layer feed. How much of that should we mix in with the feed? about one cup or
The feathers my girls are all plucked out on top of their backs. I wish I had known how to fix this
problem. How long will it take for their feathers to grow back?
thanks for your reply.
Where are you located? Down-unders would be in molting time now.
Are there new pin feathers growing in?
Feather fixer is not really a 'molting' feed,
mostly just a marketing ploy,
it has too much calcium for a non laying bird.
Any decent 'all flock' will do year round....
....some extra animal protein when the molt is on will be good.

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