Chicken name contest!



8 Years
May 22, 2013
The Volunteer State
My Coop
My Coop
Hello and welcome to the chicken name contest! This contest is for your chicken's names! Whose chicken has the best name will win!
1. All BYC rules apply.
2. No fighting or arguing.
3. No limit on how many of your chickens names you enter.
4. When you post your chicken name you must have a picture of the chicken.
5. Have fun!


Name: E.l.f.
Reason I named her that:
When she was little she had little black dots on her eyes and it looked like makeup so I named her after the makeup brand E.l.f.

Ready, Set, Post!
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Name: Sir Bentley
Reason: he was so elegant looking I had to have a "Sir", but I needed something quirky to fit his personality (Bentley). Unfortunately he turned out to be a female, but the name is stuck :)

Name: Ducky
Reason: Ducky's was my only booted bantam egg to develop so I figured if I gave her a boyish name she'd turn out to be a girl. It worked! She is quite shy but is our son's favourite bird because she was so tiny as a chick.

Name: Moo Cow
Reason: Instead of a Buff Orpington, we were supposed to be getting a Light Brahma. BecauseLight Brahmas are black and white, we thought that Moo Cow would be a good name. Well, we ended up getting a Buff Orpington, still liked the name though, so we kept it. Glad we got the Buff Orpington Moo Cow though! ;)

Edit: Spelling mistake.
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Aww, those chickens are soo cute! @summerb123 , your Dorking hen is soo cute!!! @JaeG , Ducky is adorable! When I need another rooster I should just give one of my chicks a girl name and maybe it will turn out to be a boy!
@henny1129 ,I love Moo Cow's name! I want a buff orpington so bad now. My only one died in January.

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