Chicken Names share their names here

Wow your names are as varied as your flock! I always want to ask how one can tell the difference, but in reality I know that one can recognize them by their traits as well as breed.

I'm always impressed with the work one puts in with a flock of that size! It takes love and I personally don't think anyone should call this a hobby!

I really like being able to tell who is who, one of the benefits of a varied flock. All of my lavenders have leg tags on right now...they are only 6 weeks old and I'm having trouble telling them apart. With 5 children helping with the naming we are all over the place.
I still have any bird with a * nest to their name. All others are deeply missed, but are either living new lives or resting peacefully.

Barred Rock HEN - Finn
Barred Rock HEN - Quinn
Barred Rock HEN - Pullito
Barred Rock HEN - Go-Pro
Gold Laced Wyandotte HEN - Reeba
Silver Laced Wyandotte HEN - Winnie
*Jubilee Orphington HEN - Doobie
*Easter Egger HEN - Gladys
*Sultan HEN - Little
*California White HEN - August
*California White HEN - Rosemary
White Bantam Silkie HEN - Yukon
Buff/Osprey Bantam Silkie ROO - Nugget
Buff/Osprey Bantam Silkie ROO - Dax
Buff Laced Polish ROO - Benny (Benatar)
Buff Laced Polish ROO - Bowie (David bowie)
Buff Laced Polish ROO - Mercury (Freddy Mercury)
Buff Laced Polish HEN - Honk
Buff Laced Polish HEN - Dory
Serama ROO - Bohemuth (Bo)
Quail Chick - Frogger
We haven't named most of our flock of 21 young bantams yet, but we have Penelope the white d'Uccle, Haku and Calcifer the btw Japs, Mononoke the black Jap, Nova the buff jap, Butters the buff orp Bantam, Kiki the Sumatra, and Luna the white Cochin.
IMG_1508.JPG IMG_1476.JPG IMG_1470.JPG IMG_1464.JPG
I still have any bird with a * nest to their name. All others are deeply missed, but are either living new lives or resting peacefully.

Barred Rock HEN - Finn
Barred Rock HEN - Quinn
Barred Rock HEN - Pullito
Barred Rock HEN - Go-Pro
Gold Laced Wyandotte HEN - Reeba
Silver Laced Wyandotte HEN - Winnie
*Jubilee Orphington HEN - Doobie
*Easter Egger HEN - Gladys
*Sultan HEN - Little
*California White HEN - August
*California White HEN - Rosemary
White Bantam Silkie HEN - Yukon
Buff/Osprey Bantam Silkie ROO - Nugget
Buff/Osprey Bantam Silkie ROO - Dax
Buff Laced Polish ROO - Benny (Benatar)
Buff Laced Polish ROO - Bowie (David bowie)
Buff Laced Polish ROO - Mercury (Freddy Mercury)
Buff Laced Polish HEN - Honk
Buff Laced Polish HEN - Dory
Serama ROO - Bohemuth (Bo)
Quail Chick - Frogger

Oh my gosh, I love the names you have. Singers, frogeres, and a fish named Dory too!
Not everyone has a name per say. I generally go on personalities or appearance.
Shadow, blue Olive Egger, is the constant friend and protector of Lilla. A cross who turned out to be Bantam. Lilla isn't 2 lbs and her name translates to 'little'
My 6 Swedish Flowers are
Trouble, cockerel who is very curious.
Captain, as in Captain Hook. Cockerel who broke a toe young and its very hooked.
Gerald, formerly Gertrude. Decided at 13 weeks he didn't want to lay eggs.
C.C., pullet. Her center toes both curve inward. Shoes helped but I could get the curve completely out.
Cinnamon and Sugar, pullets. Based on color.

I also have a Wheaten Ameraucana who was the sweetest until I got chicks. She takes joy in chasing them to watch them run. She recently earned B*tch Pudding. A character from Robot Chicken.

I have Road Runner a small Brown Leghorn. She is very slim and streamlined. When she runs it reminds me of the road runner.

Missy and Big Red, Black Copper Marans
Blondie a lovely mixed bread girl.
Another Wheaten Ameraucana and Brown Leghorn that don't exactly have names. Nothing jumped out at me...maybe one day something will stick. LOL
The singing chickens born in early April:
*KD, a Banty, and the first to lay
*Aretha and Janis, sold as Black Arcaunas, probably EEs,
and 4 Buff Orps:
*Dolly, the biggest,
*Olivia, the diva/special needs chicken,
*Iris and Patsy. Patsy always goes first and has been laying for over a week.

Neither KD nor Patsy have been using the boxes, this has to change. I wouldn't be surprised to find other nests tucked away in tall grasses as I clean up around the place this weekend.
Don't you just love the names children come up with! Golden Godzilla and watermelon Bella! And who couldn't love a rooster named satan, LOL

Okay I did name the rooster bUT that's about the only one I was allowed to name lmao. I guess when you have so many it's okay to give them strange names lol. And he really is a creepy looking rooster, seriously.
As the first set of 6 (the Brahmas and the BJG) came from the local feed store as straight run, I planned for a couple of them being cockerels. I had a paranoid moment once where I thought half of them were cockerels and ordered everybody else (except the hamburgs) from Meyers as sexed pullets. Then I got the Hamburgs a couple of weeks ago. So... I had thought I had some cockerels, but I ended up not... Yea, gonna have a lot of eggs. I'm actually trying to decide if I want to deal with it, or give up two of my brahmas. I love my multi-colored flock!
I'd take 2 Brahma pullets off your hands! They are on my list of breeds to get. :)

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