Chicken names?

My son's girlfriend named one of our Barred rocks Ophelia, and so we named the rest of the barred Juliet & Desdemona and Vesper.

And we have Beanie, Vera, Carla & Elliot, who are the RIR.

India, Nelly, Nugget, and one is still nameless of the NHR,

Amelia is our random chicken, we have no idea what she is, she was a pullet from the random TSC bin, and our rooster is Chester.

But he needs to go.
Sentry and Scout - guineas

Blitzkrieg and Powder Keg - silkies

Nyx and Snowdrop - dominiques

The rest I named for their personalities:

Pluto, a speckled sussex who can't decide if it wants to be with the flock or avoid it

Nzinga, a RIR (named after Mbande Nzinga) who mobilized the other RIR to help her establish herself as top hen on the pecking order

Charlemagne and Domitian, RIRs who constantly annoy each other. We thought it would be funny to name them after two bloodthirsty leaders from different time periods who shared opposing views.

They're all pullets except the SS; we're still unsure on that one.
We have:
Foggy (Foghorn) -Leghorn
Moa (apparently this means 'chicken' in Hawaiian) - Ameraucana
Bo- Plymouth Barred named after the President (Barack Obama)
Lil Rhody (RRI)
Squirt -Light Brahma- she supposedly was a banty, but she's the biggest one! I think she was mislabeled!

CinderFella- my beautiful Silkie Roo
Tiny Pete- my 1st Belgian D'uccle hen
Drucilla and Anastasia are my "ugly" 2 ugly hens that always pick on my pretty girls
Sophia LaurHen- my big reddish cochin

My others have your typical chicken names...
Henny Penny
We have 4. We each named one of them:

Gumbo a Light Brahma named by my husband.
Noodle also a Light Brahma, short for Chicken Noodle Soup, named by my 5 yr old daughter
Marigold an EE, named by my 7 yr old daughter
Petunia an EE, named by me.
Love the names everyone comes up with! I will say first that the coolest chicken name ever is Chido's Roostroyer. I want a rooster just so I can give him that name! I would, of course, humbly request permission from Chido to steal, er, borrow such a clever name.
I want to name one of our new hens Mabel, but I knew a very nice old lady by that name many years ago and it seems wrong to remember her by naming a chicken after her.

The remains of our original hens are:

Jenelle-Hen; Adelgard AKA "Addie"; Tippy; BigWhiteButtChicken; Buffy

We also had and lost Eggsmerelda; Dot; Frick; Snow White; Little Red Hen and The Other Red Hen

Then we got chicks in at the beginning of March. They are gradually acquiring names as we get to know them. So far we have:

Spotty Too Hotty (an EE who had spots); Mary Kay (an EE with WAY too much "eyeliner"); 5 of them are Jenelle-Hens (named after the original, they are the same breed, Golden Comets).
Our 4 Speckled Sussexes we refer to as the Spazoids. Our two Cuckoo Marans(es?) are the Toucans (Toucan Sam and Toucan Nephew) due to their crazy big beaks. And we have no names yet for our Light Brahmas, but they all look like little old men at 4 weeks of age so we call them all "Old Man", even though they are all pullets.

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