chicken newbie


5 Years
Jun 1, 2014
Broken Arrow, ok
Im a new momma as of yesterday! One chick was gifted to my daughter, who named her Elsa, but the hub calls her goldie. A few hours later we went back to Atwoods and got another chick, we named her Ursula, but the hub calls her blackie. He isnt very creative! Anyways, they are pullets and were gotten from the same place but Elsa, who is a bigger chick, isnt as active as Ursula. She is eating and drinking often and I havent seen anything odd in the poo. The guy who boxed Ursula told me they were about 4 days old. We are feeding them medicated chick starter and have a heat lamp. Alot of the time, esp on the first day, Elsa stretched and clenched her lil foot into a fist and laid on her side like in the pic. Today she has been laying more in a nesting position but doesnt run around and chase the moths etc that get in the pen like Ursula does. Comparing size id think she was the older chick so im concerned something may be wrong. But I have also noticed that Ursula has the beginnings of tail feathers that I dont see on Elsa. Is it possible that Elsa is just a bigger breed but younger and thats why she isnt as active? The hub thinks im being paranoid but it cant hurt to ask!
Welcome! I would guess your daughter is around four? My four year old son named our ducks Ana, Elsa and Kristof.... even though there all girls. There is an emergency/help section you may want to try posting in or on one of the chicken threads. I'm sure a chicken person will see your post and answer questions soon. I'm still fairly new, but congrats on your chickens and welcome! I hope she is ok. Some just tend to grow faster I think.
She is almost 7 and loves Frozen. Wanted me to name the other kristof or ana as well but with the personality she has we named her Ursula since she is a lil stinker lol. Im watching them closely and since her behavior has some what improved I think she just may be adjusting. Only time will tell! :)
On they way home with the ducks my son said "Ana, Elsa, Kristof..... Oh no! There's no Sven! We have to go back and get a Sven!" Lol! Then last week he told me "We are going to change Kristof to Olf because she likes warm hugs" Kristof is obviously are cuddly one, but I axed the name change.
If your chick Elsa is laying on her side and stretching her feet out she might be hot. They do that when they are hot. Sometimes chickens grow slower than others, I had two twin leghorn chicks and one grew larger and faster than the other. From the photo, I think your Elsa may be a sex link (I could be wrong). If your bird is in fact acting lame or lethargic then put some vitamin supplements in the water (ask for some at your local feed store, be sure to tell them its for a baby chick). Check her poop, if it is normal solid poo than thats fine but if it is more runny its either because something is wrong or your water is too warm.
Good luck!
she may have gotten squeezed if you handle them alot. teach the kids to cup the chicks with both hands gently.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on the new chicks! Here is a nice article from the Learning Center on keeping chicks for the first few weeks. Chicks will lay on their side and kind of stretch out like that when they are sunning themselves, adult chickens do it also. Do you have a thermometer to check the brooder temp, chicks that age should have a spot around 95% (not the whole brooder, there should be cooler spots also). Something like Save-A-Chick or sugar in the water is a good idea for a day or so, they are babies and they will sleep a lot but should be quite active when awake. Keep a close eye on Elsa to be sure she is eating and drinking normally. X3 on post in the Emergencies or Raising Chicks forum if something seems to be going on. Different breeds do grow at different rates and different chicks even in the same breed will feather in differently, especially at the beginning, so they may be the same age.
Thank you all for the info. I do have a thermometer on the window and the side with the lamp runs 92 and the other side around 80. They usually hang out on the cooler side but last night it rained so they must have gotten chilly. This morn they were on the warmer side. We do have our coop in the garage and will keep it here until they are a bit older. Today I havent seen Elsa eat, drink or poo. She moved when I opened up and cleaned out the pen. But is definitely not as active as she was on day 1or 2. I will try to add some sugar to the water and get her to drink.

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