Chicken Not Able To Walk. Please Help!


May 14, 2020
A couple weeks ago my family noticed one of our hens was limping as she ran fast. It wasn't affecting her too much, and because she mostly walks, we didn't think of it too much. Then this morning when I went out to feed the chickens, I noticed one of them was stilling sitting inside. I noticed another one sitting in the egg laying spot so I thought maybe she was doing the same, just somewhere different than normal. I decide to give her a little pat on the back, but as she tries to move away from me, I realize she has a major limp. I am a bit worried but continue my work and decide to worry about it later in the day. I then decide to take her out and lay her under the tree in the yard, with some food and water right next to her. Throughout the rest of the day she has moved around a bit, but no more than about 7 feet from where I originally put her. My mother (who is a nurse) took a look at her leg (where the scales are) and she did not feel any broken bones. Therefore, when night came, I had to carry her and put her into the hutch because it is a little off the ground and she would not be able to jump that high. She of course then wanted to roost, which I tried to set her up on the wood to do that, but she kept slipping off the back, and eventually fell (I missed at catching her). So, my question is, is there anything I can do to help? We are not sure that it is a broken leg, unless there is something wrong further up where the feathers are. She is able to move the scaly part of her leg and fingers and uses it to push herself a bit, but can just not hold up her whole weight. My mom suggested that she might have had a stroke, and that is affecting her. Although, it only seems to be her left leg that is the problem instead of her whole side like I've seen on the internet. She is around 10 years old, so I am wondering if we should just help her in and out of the hutch every day until she dies? I just don't want her to be in pain. Hope someone can help! Thanks
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I'm sorry to hear about your hen.

10 years old is getting up there, you've done a great job taking care of her.
Does your hen still lay any eggs?

Hard to know what's going on with her - with her being older, she may be starting to fail.
I would feel her abdomen for bloat or fluid. Look at the bottom of her foot to see if there's Bumblefoot.
It's possible she may have had a stroke. In laying hens reproductive problems like cancer and Peritonitis can be common as well. Sometimes these conditions can cause difficulty walking too.
She may just have a sprain if she's jumping onto/off of roosts, etc.

Give her some time. See that she's eating/drinking and comfortable. Check her over for lice/mites too.
If she seems to be failing or is in pain, then putting her out of her misery would be a kindness.

If you have photos of your hen you wish to share, we would enjoy seeing them!
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