Chicken not eating/drinking, crooked-ish neck! What should I feed her?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Okay, so one of our Ameracauna pullets-almost a hen, hasn't been really eating or drinking much, and she's been holding her neck at kind of a funny angle.

Sonar is sort of our "special-needs" chicken. She's always been a little different from the others, even when she was a chick. She's always a little bit " la-de-da", kind of doing her own thing, but she usually stays with the others. She used to get sort of pecked-on by the others
Although she basically looks like the rest of the Ameracaunas, we've always been able to tell that she was sort of different. Her face-feathers sort of stick out a funny way, and her eyes are a little farther apart.
But she had been eating normally and drinking normally until now.

Within the past two weeks or so, I noticed that she was holding her neck kind of funny. Sort of at an angle or something.
But its been getting progressively worse.

All of the chickens love chard. They go crazy when they see me holding it. But when I gave it to them yesterday, I held it out to Sonar, and she wouldn't eat any of it. It was as though she didn't know it was even there or something.
She's been staying away from the group more lately too. All of the others were walking around on one side of the pen, and she was way on the other side, just laying there, with her neck kind of angled to the side.
She hasn't really been eating or drinking the last 2 days, as least not that I've seen.

When she drinks (normally), she bends down to drink some water, then sits up and sort of "nom nom nom" thing with her beak. (Its pretty cute the way she does that). Then she'll bend down and drink some more.
But lately she's been doing that when there isn't any water... there. Like she's drinking from an imaginary watering thing.
Its really worrying me.

I brought a cup of water out there and sort of put it up to her mouth. I got her to drink a little, but it was like she couldn't see it was there or something. She started perking up a little and started to pant a little. (Before that she had just been sort of laying there, near the door of the pen. When I walked in, she didn't even really move that much) She looked really sleepy..

I thought about hand feeding her something, but I'm not sure the solid feed would be best. Is there anything soft I can feed her? Like oatmeal?

Something I can just sort of stick her beak in, like I did with the water?

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