Chicken on bottom of pecking order question

Toe should be ok, the quick is exposed so she may be sensitive on it but don't think there's much you can do as cutting it off with be equally painful. Keep dry, clean bedding in the isolation area.

Beak is pretty bad. Was hoping it was damage more at the tip (where it could be smoothed out or filed off) and not high up and across like that. You can try the super glue, don't think it'll hurt. Wet feed for sure will be easier for her to eat.

I'm not sure what the green stuff is, maybe pus or infection, but not sure if there's anything else going on under there.
Thanks for your help. Fingers crossed that her beak miraculously won't get worse and will somehow heal. The green is not pus, it seems to be the color of her skin right there. Hoping to see improvement next few days.

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