Chicken on her last legs


Nov 11, 2023
This is my first go 'round with chickens, we got six from Tractor Supply, and things have been pretty good. I had a long streak without any issues, but once things started going wrong they compounded. Long story short I'm down to two chickens, and one of them over the summer got water-belly.

We drained it, she improved tremendously, but just yesterday I noticed she was lethargic again, and her stomach was once again full. I drained her again, and she seemed to be better.....but when I came down this morning she was lying on the ground all puffed up with her eyes closed.

HELP! I'm not sure what to do next, this is far outside my knowledge base and I don't want my poor girl to there something I can do to perk her up? Or is this a sign of the end?
is there something I can do to perk her up? Or is this a sign of the end?
If she is filling up this quickly with fluid, yes, I think her time has come and she is suffering. I would euthanize her to end that suffering. How old is she?

Ascites is a symptom, not a disease. It is a sign of right ventricular failure in the heart and hypertension, liver failure, or tumors.

What exactly have you been feeding your birds?
How old are the rest of the flock?

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